Noppakoaw Therapie Massage, Eindhoven | Salonkee

Noppakoaw Therapie Massage

31, Sint Bonifaciuslaan Eindhoven 5643 NA

Massagepraktijk ElisaCura, Horssen | Salonkee

Massagepraktijk ElisaCura

3, Het Straatje Horssen 6631 AV

Sportmassage 30
Intake sport & revalidatie
Sportmassage 45
VK Hair & Beauty, Amsterdam | Salonkee

VK Hair & Beauty


12, Kinkerstraat -AH Amsterdam 1053 DT

Sport Massage
The Spa, Maastricht | Salonkee

The Spa


149a, Scharnerweg Maastricht 6224 JD

Enjoy a massage or relax in our modern wellness space with sauna's, steam cabine, whirlpool, seating area and garden with a terrace or choose a facial-treatment.

Stevige lichaamsmassage, verlichtend na inspanning
Serenity Thai Therapy Wellness & Spa, Roermond | Salonkee

Serenity Thai Therapy Wellness & Spa


70, Neerstraat Roermond 6041KD

At Serenity Thai Therapy we only work with authentic Thai Therapists. We provide you a calm relaxing atmosphere, where you can enjoy the premium treatments with the traditional Thai service & hospitality. Your psychical and spiritual wellbeing is our ultimate goal! We provide a team of experts who are certified professional therapists who are highly experienced. We aim for 5 star-service for an affordable price. Renew your wonder with us at Serenity!

Sport Massage
Serenity Therapeutic Sport Massage is our sport massage technique that focuses on treating soft tissue, aches, pain and injuries that are associated with recreational activities. Massage can reduce muscle stiffness and improve relaxation by reducing heart rate and blood pressure
Beauty Education, Geldrop | Salonkee

Beauty Education


17, Emopad Geldrop 5663 PA

Sport Massage
Sportmassage is een stevige massage met als doel de doorbloeding van de spieren te verbeteren, daardoor zullen de afvalstoffen die geproduceerd worden tijdens inspanning sneller uit het spierweefsel af worden gevoerd. Hierdoor verbetert de conditie van de spier en zullen blessures sneller herstellen en soms zelf voorkomen kunnen worden.
Malele Massage-praktijk, Alphen aan den Rijn | Salonkee

Malele Massage-praktijk


52, Kalkovenweg Alphen aan den Rijn 2401KL

Relax at Malele Massage Practice. We know exactly what to do in case of complaints or imbalance in your body. Anyone looking for a relaxing massage has come to the right place. You can go here for a diverse number of massage types, from relaxation massages to pregnancy massage. Whichever treatment you choose, you know that you will leave the practice feeling relaxed.

Anny Massage therapie, Den Haag | Salonkee

Anny Massage therapie


163, Keizerstraat Den Haag 2584BE

Welcome to Anny Massage Therapie. I am professional therapists who guarantee a unique and beneficial experience for your health. I offer exclusive services of massages, physical therapies and personalized exercise. The care you provide to us is done whit the utmost respect for you confortable space ONLY FOR WOMAN

Sports massage is a form of massage involving the manipulation of soft tissue to benefit a person engaged in regular physical activity. Soft tissue is connective tissue that has not hardened into bone and cartilage, it includes skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (a form of connective tissue that lines and ensheathes the other soft tissues). Sports massage is designed to assist in correcting problems and imbalances in soft tissue that are caused from repetitive and strenuous physical activity and trauma. The application of sports massage, prior to and after exercise, may enhance performance, aid recovery and prevent injury Sports massage aims to: Optimize muscle performance Prevent injuries Find injuries Support in injury treatment Fight fatigue Increase work capacity